EXTENDED PROTECTION (EP) (Where available): If EP is selected and paid for, Owner provides Renter or any AAD with third party liability protection in an amount equal to the minimum financial responsibility limits applicable to the vehicle (the Primary Protection). EP also provides additional third party liability protection, through an excess liability policy, with limits of the difference between the Primary Protection and a combined single limit of $1 million per accident for bodily injury, death and/or property damage to others arising out of the use or operation of the Owner rental vehicle by Renter or an AAD, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. EP includes UM/UIM coverage for bodily injury and property damage in an amount equal to the minimum financial responsibility limits applicable to the Vehicle (the Primary Protection), and additional coverage, through an excess liability policy, with limits for the difference between the statutory minimum underlying limits and $100,000 per accident (for rentals commencing in New York, UM/UIM limits are $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident; for rentals commencing in Hawaii, the UM/UIM limits are $1,000,000 combined single limit) or state mandated UM/UIM limit, whichever is greater. OWNER AND RENTER REJECT ANY ADDITIONAL UM/UIM COVERAGE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. EP, including UM/UIM benefits is provided only when Renter or any AAD are driving the Vehicle. No claim for UM/UIM may be made due to the negligence of the driver of the Vehicle. EP COVERAGE IS IN EFFECT ONLY WHILE ANOTHER AAD OR RENTER IS DRIVING THE VEHICLE WITHIN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA; COVERAGE DOES NOT APPLY IN MEXICO. ADDITIONAL POLICY EXCLUSIONS INCLUDE: (A) BODILY INJURY TO RENTER, ANY AAD, OR TO THE BLOOD RELATIVES OR FAMILY OF RENTER OR ANY AAD, IF SUCH RELATIVES OR FAMILY RESIDE IN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD WITH RENTER OR WITH AN AAD; (B) PROPERTY DAMAGE TO THE RENTAL VEHICLE; (C) FINES, PENALTIES, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES; (D) BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE EXPECTED OR INTENDED FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE INSURED; AND (E) ANY OBLIGATION FOR WHICH THE INSURED OR THE INSURED'S INSURER MAY BE HELD LIABLE UNDER ANY WORKER'S COMPENSATION, DISABILITY BENEFITS OR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LAW OR ANY SIMILAR LAW. Note: Any UM/UIM benefits paid are included in the $1 million combined single limit EP coverage and in no way increase the combined single limit amount referenced above. This insurance coverage is underwritten by Ace American Insurance Company. A benefit summary for EP is contained within the applicable brochure or, for kiosk renters, by pressing the "Product Details" button. Report EP claims to Owner using the address and phone number set forth herein.
Your own personal auto or umbrella policies or credit card coverage may provide rental car liability coverage; however, Alamo cannot interpret or provide advice with respect to what they may cover. The election of any EP coverage offered by Alamo might duplicate, void or cause your own policies to become excess coverage.
The purchase of optional EP is not required to rent a vehicle.
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